Title Sponsor
Sponsorship level $10,000
As the Title Sponsor of the Boys & Girls Club of Moorpark & Simi Valley Golf Classic, your firm is assured high Visibility before, during and after the Golf Tournament. This package may also be customized to best meet sponsor's needs. Sponsorship includes:
Title Sponsorship Benefits
- Twelve (12) tournament playing spots including tee gift bags
- Twelve (12) additional reservations for awards dinner
- Right of first refusal as Title Sponsor of the 2019 tournament
- Corporate name//logo incorporated into event name as the Title Sponsor
- Corporate name mentioned in all tournament promotion
- Name recognition as Title Sponsor at top of event welcome banner
- One corporate banner prominently displayed at the tournament
- Personalized Reception Invitation from the sponsor to each golfer including free premium drink ticket
- Opportunity to speak to players at Awards Dinner
- Full-page acknowledgement on back cover of event program Four on-course tee signs
- Four souvenir pin flags to be displayed on a hole during tournament Two drink tickets per player
- Recognition of your company on the event website and Facebook page
- Opportunity to display promotional material or provide samples on day of event to all players
Major Gift Sponsor (SOLD)
Sponsorship level $5,000 (1 Available) Sponsorship Benefits:
- Eight (8) tournament playing spots including tee gift bags
- Four (4) additional reservations for awards dinner
- Full-page acknowledgement in event program
- Four on-course tee signs
- Includes Hole Sponsorship Opportunity to distribute promo materials and food/drink items at hole
- Company name and/or logo on main player tee gift (Wind shirt, golf shirt, etc) Recognition of your company on the event website and Facebook page
Awards Dinner Sponsor
Sponsorship level $5,000 (2 Available) Sponsorship Benefits:
- Eight (8) tournament playing spots including tee gift bags
- Four (4) additional reservations for awards dinner
- Full-page acknowledgement in event program
- Two on-course tee signs
- Includes Hole Sponsorship Opportunity to distribute promo materials and food/drink items at hole
- Recognition of your company on the event website and Facebook page
Club Sponsor
Sponsorship level $5,000 Sponsorship Benefits:
- Eight (8) tournament playing spots including tee gift bags
- Four (4) additional reservations for awards dinner
- Full-page acknowledgement in event program
- Two on-course tee signs
- Includes Hole Sponsorship Opportunity to distribute promo materials and food/drink items at hole
- Recognition of your company on the event website and Facebook page
Awards Sponsor (SOLD)
Sponsorship level $4,000 (1 Available) Sponsorship Benefits:
- Four (4) tournament playing spots including tee gift bags
- Company name on all-tournament team awards
- Full-page acknowledgement in event program
- Two on-course tee signs
- Recognition of your company on the event website and Facebook page
Golf Cart Sponsor
Sponsorship level $3,000 (4 Available) Sponsorship Benefits:
- Four (4) tournament playing spots including tee gift bags
- Signage on half of golf carts used during event
- Full-page acknowledgement in event program
- Two on-course tee signs
- Recognition of your company on the event website and Facebook page
Reception Sponsor (SOLD)
Sponsorship level $3,000 Sponsorship Benefits:
- Four (4) tournament playing spots including tee gift bags
- Full-page acknowledgement in event program
- Signage at reception following golf plus one additional tee sign
- Recognition of your company on the event website and Facebook page
Scholarship Sponsor
Sponsorship level $2,500 (multiple available) Sponsorship Benefits:
- Four (4) tournament playing spots including tee gift bags
- Half-page acknowledgement in event program
- One on-course tee sign as tournament sponsor
- Recognition of your company on the event website and Facebook page
Beverage Sponsor
Sponsorship level $1,750 (multiple available) Sponsorship Benefits:
- Two (2) tournament playing spots including tee gift bags Signage at all beverage stations
- Half page acknowledgment on event program.
- Recognition in event program
- Recognition of your company on the event website and Facebook page
Contest Sponsor
Sponsorship level $1,250 (3 available) Sponsorship Benefits:
- Two (2) tournament playing spots including tee gift bags
- Signage at contest hole
- Recognition in event program
- Recognition of your company on the event website and Facebook page
*Each player spot includes cart, continental breakfast, tee gift bag, lunch, reception, and awards dinner.
Golf Ball Sponsor (SOLD)
Sponsorship level $1,200 - Benefits (1 Available) Company logo on every golf ball given out in tee gift packages
- 2 Tee Signs
- Half-page ad in event program
- Recognition of your company on the event website and Facebook page Appreciation Certificate.
Eagle Sponsor
Sponsorship level $1,000 - Benefits
- 2 Tee Signs
- 4 dinner tickets
- Half-page ad in event program
- Recognition of your company on the event website and Facebook page Appreciation Certificate.
Birdie Sponsor
Sponsorship level $750 (multiple available) - Benefits
- 2 Tee Signs
- 2 dinner tickets
- Recognition of your company on the event website and Facebook page Appreciation Certificate.
Par Sponsor
Sponsorship level $500 (multiple available) - Benefits
- 2 Tee Signs
- 2 dinner tickets
- Recognition of your company on the event website and Facebook page Appreciation Certificate.
Hole Sponsor
Sponsorship level $300 (12 available) - Benefits
- 1 Tee Sign
- 2 dinner tickets
- Recognition of your company on the event website and Facebook page Appreciation Certificate.
Souvenir Pin Flag Sponsor
Sponsorship level $250 (12 available) - Benefits
- Keepsake pin flag featuring your name/company logo to be displayed on hole at tournament and given to sponsor after event
Tee/Green Sponsor
Sponsorship level $150 (multiple available) - Benefits
- Company signage at sponsored tee